4 Important Resources a Web Developer Needs from A Designer


3 min read

You might be wondering, what does a web developer need from a designer? It is essential first to differentiate the two roles to answer the question. A designer is tasked with creating web layouts in the form of UI and UX, including the maintenance of visual aspects of the websites. On the other hand, a developer builds the core structure of the website using advanced markup and programming languages. They translate the idea visualised by the designers into a fully functional website. Developers may require specialisations in front, back or full-stack knowledge. The following are four critical resources a web developer would require from a designer.

web-g3c4d3e417_1920.jpg Image by Brita Seifert from Pixabay

Image Assets

For any visually appealing website, it is arguable that images make a significant contribution. The beauty and the visual appeal of a website are essential in the long term. We can look at it this way; customers or the target audience for an e-commerce website, for instance, would prefer to visualise the products they are browsing or intend to buy. Hence, designers provide helpful images that are incorporated into the code for the website's functionality. Developers consider several factors such as size, orientation, quality, and an image's general focus.


Fonts have a significant impact on the visual effects of a website. Similarly, various fonts and typographies have their applicability, which requires a well-thought-out process before choosing to avoid a specific font type. Designers test various fonts against the general look of the website and provide developers with the required information for incorporation into the final product. What else would a web developer need from a designer? In connection to the font type, it is crucial to provide other pieces of information regarding the typography. Typography will determine how the developer will style and arrange text on the website.


How would it feel browsing a website with randomly chosen colours with no signs of coherence or harmony? That would make you understand why web developers require the input of designers. Colour combination is essential for the final product visual look and, most importantly, for branding and marketing purposes. Designers provide colour information in hex codes, which the developer inputs in the CSS sheets. Otherwise, it would be difficult for the developer to figure out the exact intentions.

CSS Information

The designer provides CSS information that helps in faster development. You might wonder what input is provided, but it includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Colour codes,
  2. Sizing and padding information
  3. Sizes of elements

Hence, designers have a crucial role in helping developers actualise the final product to the desired standards, quality and likeability.


Developers and designers complement each other, as we have seen above. So what would a web developer need from a designer? Of course, the former requires image assets, colours, CSS and fonts information. But, most importantly, their collaboration is vital for fully functional websites that meet the targeted goals and with desirable effects. Furthermore, it is notable that the two parties play a significant role in both design and the development process of websites. To get the hang of both, learn UI-UX design using tools such as Figma for design, and HTML CSS and a scripting language such as JavaScript, to get started.